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Исполнитель: 69 Eyes, The
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Песня: Brandon Lee
What would there be
As the river of sadness turns into sea
Could there be another thousand stories like you and me
Wanted a heart, wanted a soul
More than anything else in this world
But we are doomed
Our flesh and wounds
I would never give in

Just like the Moon does
We rise and shine and fall
Over you that I
Rise and shine and crawl
Victims aren't we all!

What would there be
Beyond the eyes of Brandon Lee
Could there be
A revenging angel
Left to bleed
Wanted the truth, wanted the faith
More than anything else in this world
But we are doomed
Body and soul marooned
I would never give in

Just like the Moon does
We rise and shine and fall
Over you that I
Rise and shine and crawl
Victims aren't we all!
Перевод песни:
Брэндон Ли

Что может быть там,
Где река печали поворачивает в море?
Там может быть тысяча историй, похожих на нашу с тобой?
Хотел сердца, хотел души
Больше всего на свете,
Но мы обречены,
Наша плоть ранена,
Я больше никогда не уступлю тебе........ [открыть перевод]

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