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Исполнитель: A Day To Remember
Перевод песни
Песня: If Looks Could Kill
Something's wrong and it's not me for once,
And I know you'll call me crazy.
But I hate the way you look straight through me.
What have I done that's so wrong?
Remember me, when I'm so far from your reach,
When you'll know you had your chance.
Take one more glance, and that's the end of our romance.

You've turned your back on me for the last time.

Remember when we use to be friends?
Nothing could ever go wrong, or so we thought,
But I guess you've changed a lot since we were young.
Times will change, and there's nothing I can say
To right all of your wrongs.
Just grow up, and pray we'll keep in touch.

You've turned your back on me for the last time.

I still dream of the day that I watched you choke.

They'll act like I'm so crazy
When they find you dead on my floor.
Right now, right now.

I'd say something went wrong in our lives,
And I pray that god saves us before we die.

He's everything that you could never be.

Right now, right now, right now.

I'd say something went wrong in our lives,
And I pray that god saves us before we die.

Slowly die.
[Repeat til fade]
Перевод песни:
Если бы взгляды могли убивать

Что-то пошло не так, на этот раз виноват не я!
Знаю, ты назовёшь меня сумасшедшим,
Но я не выношу твой взгляд сквозь меня.
В чём я настолько уж сильно ошибся?
Вспомни меня, когда я далеко от тебя,
Когда поймёшь, что у тебя был шанс.
Брось последний взгляд, и это станет концом нашего романа.
..... [открыть перевод]

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