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Исполнитель: A Silent Film
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Песня: Driven by Their Beating Hearts
As I was waking up
The moon was fading.
The folks had gone to ground,
The day was breaking.

Words don't come easily,
When most I need them.
I do not have a key,
I am breaking in.

There's people,
People going out of their mind
Right into each others arms.
But I only want to be with you,
With you...

There's people,
People getting out of their cars
Driving by their beating hearts
But I only want to be with you,
With you..

I don't believe my eyes,
There's so much beauty here!
A song for everyone,
A song for every ear.
Words don't come easily,
When most I need them,
I do not have a key,
I am breaking in..

There's people,
People going out of their mind
Right into each others arms
But I only want to be with you,
With you...

There's people,
People getting out of their cars
Driving by their beating hearts
But I only want to be with you,
With you...

I want you
I want you to define me, to define me
I want you I want you to define me, define me
I want you I want you to define me, define me
I want you I want you to define me
Перевод песни:
Заводящиеся от их бьющихся сердец

Я просыпался,
А луна угасала.
Родители ушли в сад,
День только начинался.

Я не могу подобрать слов,
Когда они больше всего нужны.
У меня нет ключей,..... [открыть перевод]

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