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Исполнитель: A Silent Film
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Песня: This Stage Is Your Life
Actors under stage lights,
Housewives pleading for romance
Shadows in a looking glass,
Are we off the script now?

When every eye is on you,
You're breaching the banks of the levee
Just say it once more with meaning
And you'll be bringing the house down

But I don't believe you're suffering
I came to see the storm that caused the scar

Because this stage is your life...

Tragic or triumphant
To be holding out for screen play
And taking the direction
Until you pause for applause

Addicted to an art
Of curtain calls, costume and make-up
Just say it once more with meaning
And you'll be bringing the house down

But I don't believe you're suffering
I need to see the storm that caused the scar

Because this stage is your life...

Burn your name in bright lights
And then night after night
You'll repeat the same line
Repeat the same line, repeat the same line...

Because this stage is your life...
Перевод песни:
Эта сцена - твоя жизнь

Актеры под огнями рампы,
Домохозяйки, ждущие романа.
Тени в зеркале,
Теперь нас убрали из сценария?

Все взгляды на тебе,
Ты разрушаешь насыпь на плотине.
Просто произнеси это еще раз, со смыслом,..... [открыть перевод]

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