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Исполнитель: Ayo
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Песня: I‘m Not Afraid
Who knows what it will be
I don't so why should I worry?
If you think you know more than me
Keep it for yourself, 'cause I don't wanna know
You can think what you want
I know you're not the only one
Who thinks to know the end
Well I don't believe in ends 'cause I believe in him

I am not afraid to love him
I am not afraid to let him know
I am not afraid to show them
I am not afraid no
I am not afraid to leave him
I am not afraid to let him go
I am not afraid to hold on to it
I am not afraid 'cause this is beautiful

If I believe in what you say
Of course things might end up that way
Cause words are strong and so is faith
It is my belief that can make things change,
I used to be like you
I based my plans on what I thought I knew,
But when things came they were different
That's when I understood I didn't know a thing.

I am not afraid to love him
I am not afraid to let him know
I am not afraid to show them
I am not afraid no
I am not afraid to leave him
I am not afraid to let him go
I am not afraid to hold on to it
I am not afraid 'cause this is beautiful
Перевод песни:
Я не боюсь

Кто знает, что из этого получится.
Я не знаю, так зачем мне волноваться?
Если ты думаешь, что знаешь больше меня,
То держи это при себе, потому что мне все равно.
Ты можешь думать о том, чего хочешь,
Я знаю, ты не один такой,
Кто полагает, что знает развязку.
Я не верю в концовки, потому что я верю в него...... [открыть перевод]

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