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Исполнитель: Ayo
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Песня: Letter by Letter
Why are you so quiet as if you've got something to hide'
And why are you so cold as if you don't want to be hold'
Why can't you look into my eyes'
Is it because you're scared to see yourself inside'

I really want to know what it is
But I cannot if you don't give me a chance
Maybe you think I wouldn't understand
But I'm here as a friend
I wish I could watch your soul to know you better
I wish I could read you like a book
Letter by Letter

Why are you so quiet as if you've got something to hide'
And why are you so cold as if you don't want to be hold'
Why can't I get through to you'
Oh I feel so frustrated cause I don't know what to do

I really want to know what it is
But I cannot when you don't give me a chance
Maybe you think I wouldn't understand
But I'm here as a friend
I wish I could watch your soul to know you better
I wish I could read you like a book
Letter by letter
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Почему ты притих, будто тебе есть что скрывать?
И почему ты так холоден, будто не хочешь объятий?
Почему ты не можешь заглянуть мне в глаза?
Не потому ли, что боишься увидеть себя в отражении?

Я правда хочу знать, в чем дело,
Но я не могу, если ты не дашь мне шанс.
Может быть ты думаешь, что я не пойму,..... [открыть перевод]

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