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Исполнитель: Ayo
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Песня: Sometimes
He knows that I love him after all
I even love him better and much more than before
If life was a letter we would be in Capital
And all the words around us would appear so very small
Like they don't count at all

Sometimes we have to hurt each other
Sometimes we have to leave
Sometimes we have to date another
To realize we're in love
I know that he loves me after all

He even loves me better and much more than before
If life was a tree than we would be its fruit
And we would spread our seeds to create something new

Sometimes we have to hurt each other
Sometimes we have to leave
Sometimes we have to date another
To realize

Sometimes we have to hurt each other
Sometimes we have to leave
Sometimes we have to date another
To realize we're in love
Перевод песни:

Он знает, что я все равно люблю его,
Я люблю его даже больше, чем раньше,
Если бы жизнь была письмом, он был бы с заглавной буквы,
И все остальные слова вокруг нас были бы очень маленькими,
Словно они совсем ничего не стоят.

Иногда нам приходится ранить друг друга,
Иногда нам приходится уходить,..... [открыть перевод]

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