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Исполнитель: Baccara
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Песня: Ay, Ay Sailor
I thought I loved a tailor man
Until I saw the sailor man
About twice the size of me, and also strong.
He put my heart in such a mess
Until I heard myself say yes
When he asked me if I will sail along.

Ay, ay sailor, or my my sailor,
You sure done something to me,
Bye, bye tailor, goodbye bye tailor,
Let go I've got to be free!

I wanna sail away with him,
That's where I love to be,
Along with my, my sailor,
So ay, ay sailor,
You know I joined you at sea!

I used to leave a normal day
And always walked the easy way
And I have planned to spend my life assure.
He'll take me to another world
Of which I've only read and heard
And we will sail what's left for ever more.


I wanna sail away with him,
That's where I love to be,
Along with my my sailor,
So ay, ay sailor,
You know I joined you at sea!

A sailor or tailor?
A tailor or sailor?
A sailor or tailor?
A tailor?
Ay say
Ay, ay sailor!


I wanna sail away with him
Upon the lonely sea
To tiny isle that's in the sun,
That's where I love to be!


I wanna sail away with him
Upon the lonely sea
To tiny isle that's in the sun,
That's where I love to be-e-e!

Перевод песни:
Я – твоя, моряк!

Я думала, что любила портного,
Пока не повстречала моряка, –
Этакого силача, примерно вдвое больше меня, –
Он устроил в моей душе настоящий кавардак,
Пока я не услышала в своём сердце “Да!”,
Когда моряк попросил меня плыть вместе с ним!

[Припев:]..... [открыть перевод]

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