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Исполнитель: Busted
Перевод песни
Песня: You Said No
You're so fit and you know it
And I only dream of you
Cos my life's such a bitch
But you can change it

Maybe you need somebody just like me,
Don't turn me down
Cos I've got no car and I've got no money...

I asked you to dance at the disco
But you said No!
The whole world was watching and laughing
On the day that I crashed and burned...
At your feet!

Since the day you dissed me
I'm feeling so pathetic
Cos the guys... well they've ditched me
And it's all because of...

You and your friends are laughing at me now
You think that I'm nothing,
Ask your sister what you're missing!


Maybe that you think you're too good for me
Tonight when you get home you're gonna see that
I know, I've got something better than you, baby

Перевод песни:
Ты сказала "нет"

Ты прекрасна, и ты знаешь это,
А я о тебе только мечтаю,
Ведь моя жизнь - дер*мо,
Но ты можешь изменить её

Возможно, тебе действительно нужен такой, как я,
Не отвергай меня из-за того,
Что у меня нет ни денег, ни машины........ [открыть перевод]

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