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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
Перевод песни
Песня: A Memory Construct
A memory self-aware
To windows still left open
With all parts rearranged
To find a truth that suits us
Behind veil of dogma
Preconceived illusions reign

Strong-willed determination
Will shatter these walls

Turn our heads to face the way
Our fears have led us on now
Awake to find the vision eyes
Deceive us all the time
It's all there is
Just a memory construct

A temporary glitch
In our imagination
Set to work against our reason
And devise what is not right
So when our worlds collide
It's under different skies

Turn our heads to face the way
Our fears have led us on now
Awake to find the vision eyes
Deceive us all the time

Do you remember
Do you recall
Do you remember
What in our hearts we saw

Let us make it real
This creation of our thoughts
And see what building stones
We have brought with us
Перевод песни:
Конструкт памяти*

Окна памяти моей
Вновь распахнуты.
В поисках истины
Вся она перепахана
Теми, чьи мысли скованы догмами,
Пустыми иллюзиями переполнены.

Но решимость, воля и смелость..... [открыть перевод]

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