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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
Перевод песни
Песня: The Silence in Between
Exaggerate what the words won't say
Build an argument against yourself
Sit this one out
As the silent treatments

The walls are coming down
All we need is
One to fail, one to break
One to take it all away
What if we crumble,
What if we fall
Where is the flame
That torch the soul
Truth when spoken
Dies down to nothing

We challenged the light and flame
And settled for the dark
With pressure built to a point
Deflated before its time
We set our world on fire
Yet lost the will to burn
Not set a tone but a distance
The silence in between
Whatever validates
The anger kept inside

Nothing ties the world to me
Not in a page of history
Cannot talk the pain away
Nothing ties the world to me

The silent treatment gets to me
So few and far between
These great dividing acts
Behind those silent eyes
Перевод песни:

Приукрашивай то, чего не скажут слова,
Выстрой аргумент против себя,
Пропусти этот момент,
Как безмолвное излечение

Стены рушатся,
Всё, что нам нужно -
Чтобы один проиграл, второй сломался,..... [открыть перевод]

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