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Исполнитель: Earth, Wind And Fire
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Песня: My Promise
We've been together since we met
As soul to soul as two can get
Well, day by day, our hearts entwined
Till I can't tell yours from mine

If comes you ever want to go
And make this our last episode
I'll exit with a graceful bow
But I'll always be around

My promise to you is
I'll be there (I'll be there)
With a love that's tried and true
And I promise you
I'll always care
If you need me, I'll soon be there
I'll be there

I won't attempt to have conceal
This boundless joy you make me feel
From way back when to here and now
If you need me, I'll be around

My promise to you
I promise, have no fear
When you need, I'm here for you
And I promise you
I promise, I'll always care,
When you call me I'll be there

My promise to you
I promise, have no fear
When you need, I'm here for you
And I promise you
I promise, I'll always care,
When you call me I'll be there

I'm holding on to this love we share
Anytime you want, I'll be right there

My promise to you
I promise, have no fear
When you need, I'm here for you
And I promise you
I promise, I'll always care,
When you call me I'll be there

My promise to you
I promise, have no fear
When you need, I'm here for you
And I promise you
I promise, I'll always care,
When you call me I'll be there

My promise to you
I promise, have no fear
When you need, I'm here for you
And I promise you
I promise, I'll always care,
When you call me I'll be there
Перевод песни:
Я обещаю*

Мы вместе с той поры, как повстречались,
Душа с душой так тесно сплетены,
И день за днем сердца в одно сливались,
Пока отличья стали не видны.

И если вдруг захочешь ты уйти,
Историю любви венчав прощаньем,
Изящно поклонюсь, но всё ж прости,..... [открыть перевод]

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