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Исполнитель: Ease Of Disgust
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Песня: Constructed
I see one more empty shell with no esteem
Who breathes and walks, and forms our new society.
I see a spineless slave under control,
The same like legions of ignorant clones.

Look into my eyes and tell me

Can you remember who the fuck you are?
So-called human being with artificial mind.
Can you remember the white light in front of your eyes
When they just turned you on,
When they were playing gods?

Where's your life?
What's the point of your existence here?
You were constructed.
Where's your soul?
What makes you an identity?
You were constructed.

What do you know about the new skin sewn to you?
How it's like to be assembled entirely instead of being alive?

You're smiling with bleeding stab wounds, with mouth full of blood.
But bleeding still doesn't make you a human
Until you're a toy in the hands of your gods.

Who gave you all that you've got but your own life.

Who made you all.
Who bred you genes.
Who webbed your tissues
And strained your skin.

They crushed down your integrity
Pushing it through.
They deprived you of will power.
They just had you constructed.
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Собранный по частям

Я вижу ещё одну пустую оболочку без уважения к окружающим,
Которая дышит и ходит, и строит наше новое общество.
Я вижу безвольных рабов под контролем,
Точно таких же, как легионы невежественных клонов.

Посмотри мне в глаза и скажи

Ты помнишь кто ты, чёрт возьми?..... [открыть перевод]

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