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Исполнитель: Ease Of Disgust
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Песня: Illuminate
Eternal mazes of time are enveloped in darkness of riddles.
And now they are illuminated with the false prophet's light.
And all the human race are fed to the lies.

They don't want to see the gospel even under the sunlight.
You should think your own way,
You've got the only truth in your pure heart.
Keep it out from winds of lust and save it inside of you.

Your mind is fully blind.
You've got no your own thoughts
And grasp another's views
Not seeing the difference.

You refused the starlight of time which leads us to the truth.

We speak no word, we keep the silence
Picking the bones thrown from above.
Your eyes are blinded, you hear no sounds,
You grope your way in the darkness.

Turn on the light of sacred fairness
And destroy the borders on your way.
The voice of hatred will move you ahead.
And no one can stop you now!

And wipe out the darkness.

The war of minds will overflow this world
Full of ignorance, full of filthy lust.
And the ground will be shuddered
By trample of mindless machines.

And if you don't want the world to be confined
Open your eyes and break through the shell.
The universe is waiting for the truth!
Перевод песни:

Вечные лабиринты времени окутаны во тьму загадок.
И они теперь освещены светом лжепророка.
И вся человеческая раса скормлена лжи.

Они не хотят видеть истину даже под солнечным светом.
Ты должен иметь свою собственную точку зрения,
Единственная правда - в твоём чистом сердце.
Оберегай его от ветров страсти и сохраняй в своём внутреннем мире...... [открыть перевод]

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