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Исполнитель: Exies, The
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Песня: Different Than You
I used to hate you
With no reason why
I was so angry
So full of pride
Lost in opinions and innuendoes
Knew everything that you didn't know
And I used to think I was sure I was right
And that I knew the truth from a lie

I was so stupid when I was young
I was so stupid to think that I was

So different
So different than you
So different than you are
I know it's sad but true
So different
I'm not different than you

Was I just jealous, bitter a
And cold
The sins I committed
The lies that I told
Had no respect for you
Only myself
A memeory's I'm not so fond of as well
And I can honestly say I was wrong
So can you forgive me so I can move on

I was so stupid when I was young
I was so stupid to think that I was

So different
So different than you
So different than you are
I know it's sad but true
So different
I'm not different than you

We are one and the same
Only with different names
Some things are not worth changing
I learned to love by hating
We are one in the same
Your blood runs through my veins
Falls on deaf ears it's fading
I learned to love by hating

I was so stupid when I was young
I was so stupid to think that I was

So different
So different than you
So different than you are
I know it's sad but true
So different
I'm not different than you
Перевод песни:
Отличаюсь от тебя

Я ненавидел тебя
Безо всякой причины,
Я был злым
И был гордецом.
Заблудился среди мнений и намёков,
Знал всё, что было неизвестно тебе,
Был уверен в своей правоте
И в том, что отличаю правду от лжи...... [открыть перевод]

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