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Исполнитель: Eyes of Noctum
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Песня: God‘s Second Hand
Once God's second hand
Casted down through the endless clouds
In the name of tyrannic hunger to rule it all

Impacted by a titan fall
In the demise of it all
Led to the missing diamond
In his crown once a sign of royalty

For those now failed shooting stars
Look for your inner might
For whatever goes down
May rise up once again

Horns grew from the head of the forthcoming lord
As his angel feathers blazed into vespertilian wings

An army of the dead bowed into service
Forever loyal to his command

For those now failed shooting stars
Look for your inner might
For whatever goes down
May rise up once again

Thou may wilt on thine throne of magnolia clouds as I burn in what you believe to be my damnation
But know that I still glow with passion hotter then these flames may amorphously dance
I shall rise to power once again and when I do your skies shall forever rain


Once God's second hand
Casted down through the endless clouds
In the name of tyrannic hunger to rule it all

Impacted by a titan fall
In the demise of it all
Led to the missing diamond
In his crown once a sign of royalty

For those now failed shooting stars
Look for your inner might
For whatever goes down
May rise up once again
Перевод песни:
Вторая рука Бога

Однажды вторая рука Бога
Протянулась вниз сквозь бесконечные облака,
Чтобы править миром во имя деспотического голода.

Сдавленный титаническим ударом,
Среди всеобщего краха
Обрёл недостающий бриллиант
Для своей короны, что являет знак королевской власти...... [открыть перевод]

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