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Исполнитель: Eyes of Noctum
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Песня: Thy Fire Within
I was once a lonely knight
In thy abyss of sorrow and constant lies,
Yet now I seize my sword
And united with evil I stand

I shall serve my dark desires
And obliterate the ones who stand in my way
Look beyond the cold blue frost
And you shall see thy fire within my eyes

The giant once a seed is alive
For that I walked with the dead side by side
Sorrow once made me fall and cry
Now Satan lifts me up and shows me the way

I have been baptized in flames,
When blood streamed from my wrists,
My lips came to a smile
And there I realized – the demon was me
I am the monster who haunted my dreams

The giant once a seed is alive
For that I walk with the damned side by side
Sorrow once made me fall and cry
But nothing can halt thy fire within
When the wings of the angel
Burned to ash, like Lazarus revived

I rose to my feet and have returned to drain your life
And to tear the heart from your chest
I am diabolic fire, and I'm going to burn you
With the fire you burned me

Thy fire within always burning for me
Thy fire within forever setting me free
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Огонь внутри тебя

Когда-то я был одиноким рыцарем
В бездне твоей печали и постоянной лжи.
Но всё же я хватаю свой меч,
И стою, объединившись со злом.

Я буду служить своим тёмным желаниям,
А тех, кто стоит на моём пути - уничтожать.
Выйди из холодной синей суровости,..... [открыть перевод]

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