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Исполнитель: I Am Kloot
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Песня: Deep Blue Sea
Glad to see, sad to say
And get my things and get away
I've got a light beam soul inside my head
To get my gear and knock 'em dead
Like the sunshine, and the moon glow
And the light thrown on a deep blue sea.

Come back here to the state we're in
And fake it fast to see their grin
Too slow to lose, too fast to win
I come back here to the state we're in
But you're the sunshine, you're the moon glow
You're the light thrown on a deep blue sea.

Amazed and a mess, is this all for me?
You got my gear and got me free
I've seen the life strains and never wins
So fate me fast or make me grin
Like the sunshine, and the moon glow
And the light thrown on a deep blue sea.

We're the sunshine, we're the moon glow
We're the light thrown on a deep blue sea.
Blue sea, blue sea, blue sea, blue sea,
We're the sunshine, we're the moon glow
We're the light thrown on a deep blue sea.
We're the sunshine, we're the moon glow
We're the light thrown on a deep blue sea.
Перевод песни:
Глубокое синее море

Грустно признавать, но рад видеть,
Забираю свои вещи и убираюсь отсюда.
Внутри меня солнечная душа,
С особым механизмом, который сражает наповал,
Как солнечный свет, как сияние луны
И отблеск, брошенный на глубокое синее море.

Я возвращаюсь к тому, где мы оказались,..... [открыть перевод]

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