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Исполнитель: I Am Kloot
Перевод песни
Песня: Storm Warning
Hell-for-leather, lathered, drunk, you're soused,
You're pissed, you're sunk,
The jukebox now is drunk, just along the way...
I had a call on Saturday to say I'd thrown,
My friends away, reversed the charges on 'em all,
I made a lot of calls.

Is there a storm coming or are we just another shower?
Is this a storm warning?
Has someone just cut the power?
Is there a storm coming or are we just another shower?
Is there a storm coming, coming, coming?

I would have kept you free from harm,
Rang the bells or raised alarms,
I would have kept them all at bay,
Except, I thought I heard you say:
You're the leper boy, you can't come in,
The moneky god is now your king, you're out,
You're in, you're out,
You're in, you're out!”

Is there a storm coming or are we just another shower?
Is this a storm warning?
Has someone just cut the power?
Is there a storm coming or are we just another shower?
Перевод песни:
Штормовое предупреждение

Разгорячённая, взмыленная, пьяная, ты нализалась,
Ты в стельку, ты на бровях,
Музыкальный автомат уже пьян за компанию...
Я позвонил в субботу, чтобы сказать, что налакаюсь,
Моих друзей нет, я переадресовал всё к ним,
Я сделал кучу звонков.

Надвигается шторм, или это мы сами очередной ливень?..... [открыть перевод]

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