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Исполнитель: I Monster
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Песня: Who Is She?
Oh who is she
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace?

Am I in love with just a theme
Or have I had just a dream?
A mystery
Oh who is she?

Oh who is she
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace?

I call her name
Across an endless place
She'll answer me
Wherever she may be

Oh who is she
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace?

Somewhere across the sea of time
A love immortal, such as mine,
Will come to me
Immortal she
Return to me
Перевод песни:
Кто она?

О, кто она:
Туманное воспоминание,
Преследующий лик,
Или потерянное объятие?

Влюблен ли я лишь в фон
Или это все мне лишь приснилось?
Загадка -..... [открыть перевод]

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