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Исполнитель: I-Exist
Перевод песни
Песня: Our Demise
Tides turn
The setting sunburn
A falling out
Is breaking out
And turning up
It breaks the skin
Above my heart

Are we caving in ?

I won't be by your side
I can't keep holding onto our demise
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight

And farceful objects
When opposites attract
And terminate the life
From which they came
To turn away

The polars may pull
But I'm prying and fighting to change

I won't be by your side
I can't keep holding onto our demise
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight
I won't be by your side
I can't let you control
Or change my mind
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight

(I won't be by your side
I can't let you control
Or change my mind
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight)

When I was lying by your side
I was dying from inside
I'm so sorry for the way I said goodbye

When I was lying by your side
I was dying from inside
I'm so sorry for the way I said...

I won't be by your side
I can't keep holding onto our demise
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight
I won't be by your side
I can't let you control
Or change my mind
So I'm letting go
Letting go tonight
Перевод песни:
Наша погибель

Все меняется,
Солнце обжигает.
Расстаться -
Значит вырваться
И подняться.
Это разрывает кожу
Там, где сердце.
..... [открыть перевод]

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