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Исполнитель: IAMX
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Песня: An I for an I
You owe it to the willing souls,
To the white light
Double bluff and figure:
An I for an I.

We go into the TV,
To the motherland smile,
Apocalypse and rapture psyche in:
An I For An I.

If you're not with us you're a ghost
An I for an I.

We owe it to disaster
To the black fire
The anger and enclosure of desire
An I for an I.

We owe it to the sex toys,
To the icons of our time,
Humility and torture in decline:
An I for an I.

If you're not with us you're a ghost
An I for an I.

If you're not with us you're a ghost
I for an I.
I for an I.

We owe it to the TV,
To disaster,
To the motherland smile,
To the willing souls,
To the willing souls,
To the willing souls!
Перевод песни:
Я за я

Мы обязаны жаждущим душам
За белый свет.
Дважды обманутые по принципу -
Я за я.

Мы погружаемся в телевидение
За улыбку Родины.
Апокалипсис и сдвиг психики -..... [открыть перевод]

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