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Исполнитель: It‘s Alive
Перевод песни
Песня: Here‘s to You
After all is said and done
Am I still the one thats numb?
After all is gone and lost
Am I empty?

All this questioning has sent my mind astray
And all the words we left unsaid still torture me..

Well, I'm out of my mind for you
I'm out of my mind for you.
I still hear you say my name,
Over, and over.
(Out of my mind for you)

I guess I'll stay this way for now
And maybe fix myself somehow
I'm falling deep, alone again
I'm not hopeless

Please think of me when youre in dire need
I won't turn my back, ill laugh and watch you bleed

Well, I'm out of my mind for you
I'm out of my mind for you.
I still hear you say my name,
Over, and over.
(Out of my mind for you)

And I'm still trying to find myself without you
And I'm just fine...

But I'm out of my mind for you
I'm out of my mind for you.
I still hear you say my name,
Over, and over.
(Out of my mind for you)

(I'm still trying to find myself without you.)
Well, I'm out of my mind for you,
I'm out of my mind for you.
Well, I'm out of my mind for you,
I'm out of my mind for you.
Перевод песни:
Это - для тебя

После того, как всё сказано и сделано,
Я - единственный, кто ошеломлен?
После того, как всё ушло и потеряно,
Я опустошён?

Все эти вопросы запутали меня,
А все те слова, что мы не сказали, до сих пор причиняют мне боль...
..... [открыть перевод]

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