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Исполнитель: Ivan
Перевод песни
Песня: Help You Fly*
I will help you learn how to fly, how to fly

Do you remember, when you were younger
You didn't worry... for a day

Now all the questions and no direction
They make our reasons... insane

It's time you released yourself
Before you can let go

I will help you learn how to fly, how to fly-y
Free, leave all the madness behind, far behind

You feel like you are the poison
It's time to heal you... from the pain

I know that you've been the hunted
I want to free you... again

It's time you released yourself
Before you can let go

I will help you learn how to fly, how to fly-y
Free, leave all the madness behind, far behind

If I can fly then you can
If I can fly then you can fly
If I can fly then you can fly
If I can fly-y (If I can fly)
I... (If I can fly)

I will help you learn how to fly, how to fly-y
Free, leave all the madness behind, far behind

* - Эта песня является участником Евровидения 2016 от Беларуси
Перевод песни:
Помочь тебе летать

Я помогу тебе научиться летать...

Помнишь, когда ты была моложе,
Ты не тревожилась... ни дня.

Теперь же все эти вопросы и отсутствие направления
Делают наши причины... безумными.
..... [открыть перевод]

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