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Исполнитель: K‘s Choice
Перевод песни
Песня: Virgin State of Mind
There's a chair in my head
On which I used to sit,
Took a pencil and I wrote the following on it

Now there's a key
Where my wonderful mouth used to be
Dig it up, throw it at me
Dig it up, throw it at me

Where can I run to, where can I hide
Who will I turn to?
Now I'm in a virgin state of mind

Got a knife to disengage the voids
That I can't bear
To cut out words
I've got written on my chair
Like do you think I'm sexy
Do you think I really care

Can I burn the mazes I grow
Can I, I don't think so
Can I burn the mazes I grow
Can I, I don't think so

Where can I run to, where can I hide?
Who will I turn to?
Now I'm in a virgin state of mind
Virgin state of mind
Virgin state of mind
Virgin state of mind
Перевод песни:
Чистый разум

В моей голове - стул,
На котором я обычно сидела,
Я взяла карандаш и написала...

Разгадка там,
Где был раньше мой удивительный ротик...
Разыщи её, отдай ее мне..
Разыщи её, отдай ее мне....... [открыть перевод]

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