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Исполнитель: Lyriel
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Песня: Surrender in Dance
I'm lost in the openness
Cannot find the way to go
So for now I will dance, where I am

There's no aim, no destination
I sing and dance the day away
Wilderness below my feet
Just the thoughtless could dance
The rhythm of life

I had no time to hate
Because the grave would hinder me
And life was not so rich
I could finish enmity

Life may be full of care
And we hope for recovery
But while we are here, we should dance
The last time my restless feet
Sensed the warmness of the sun,
We walked side by side
The long and lost road along
At that time there was no need to dance

I had no time to hate
Because the grave would hinder me
And life was not so rich
I could finish enmity

The tragedy of life is
That it ends so soon
And that we wait
So long to begin with it
Dance like no one's watching
Sing like no one's listening
Love like you have never been hurt before

I'm lost and surrender in dance
Love like you have never been hurt before
I'm lost and surrender in dance
You can't hurt me anymore
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Во власти танца

Я потерялась в этом просторе
Не могу найти путь, куда идти.
Что ж, буду танцевать там же, где и стою.

У меня нет цели, нет назначения
Я пою и танцую целый день.
Пустыня под моими ногами.
И я могу не задумываясь станцевать..... [открыть перевод]

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