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Исполнитель: M. Craft
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Песня: Silver And Fire
Silver and fire burn in the night
There's nothing quite as beautiful as your light
Deeper the waters, darker the flow
Maybe this is everything I need to know

We drift in, we drift out of time
But why we would care for the hours
That pass in a moment so sublime?

Nothing else matters
Nothing seems right
There's nothing quite as beautiful
As your light

Silver and fire burn in the day
And everything that mattered once is far away
Deeper the colors, darker the shades
That are woven in this tapestry, don't ever fade

We drift in, we drift out of view
But why would I care for the world outside
When I can hide away with you?

Nothing else matters
Nothing seems right
There's nothing quite as beautiful
As your light

Silver and fire burn in the night
And I want you more than anything, I won't fight
For I am the silver, you are the fire
And baby, you're the only thing that can make me right

We drift in, we drift out of a dream
And why would we wanna hold on to what's real
When it's falling apart at the seams?

Nothing else matters
Nothing seems right
There's nothing quite as beautiful
As your light

There's nothing quite as beautiful
As your light
Перевод песни:
Серебро и огонь

Серебро и огонь загораются в ночи,
Нет ничего прекрасней исходящего от тебя света,
Глубже воды, темнее реки.
Может быть, это и есть все, что мне нужно знать?

Мы дрейфуем туда-сюда, не наблюдая за временем.
К чему нам беспокоится о часах,
Пролетающим в такие замечательные мгновения?..... [открыть перевод]

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