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Исполнитель: Oasis
Перевод песни
Песня: Born on a Different Cloud
Born on a different cloud
From the ones that have burst round town
It's no surprise to me
That you're classless, clever and free...

Loaded just like the gun
You're the hero that's still unsung
Living on borrowed time
You're my sun and you're gonna shine

Talking to myself again
This time I think I'm getting through
It's funny how you think
It's funny when you do

Born on a different cloud
From the ones that have burst round town
It's no surprise to me
That you're classless, clever and free...

Lonely soul
Busy working overtime
Nothing ever gets done
Specially when your hands are tied

Lonely soul
Baking up your mother's pride
Nothing ever gets done
Not until your war's won

We're born on a different cloud
You're born on a different cloud
We're born on a different cloud
We're born on a different cloud
Перевод песни:
Рожденный на другом облаке

Я рожден на другом облаке,
Не с теми, кто разрушил город.
Для меня не удивительно,
Что вы - бесклассовые, разумные и свободные существа.

Заряженные, подобно ружьям,
Вы - невоспетые герои,
Которые живут на время, полученное в долг...... [открыть перевод]

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