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Исполнитель: Oasis
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Песня: Mucky Fingers
I know you think you deserve
An explanation on the meanings of life.
But what you think that you heard
Slipped away out the back of your mind!
You'll get your mucky fingers burned.
You get your truth from the lies you were learned.
And all your plastic believers will leave us
And they won't return.

And when you look in that mirror
And you're tying up your buttons and bows.
And as you face your disease
You can squeeze into the Emperor's Clothes.
You found your god in a paper bag,
You get your history from the Union Jack.
And all your brothers and sisters are gone
And they won't come back.

I'm fed up with life in the City,
All the phoneys have blown my mind.
When I'm gone, you look like you'd miss me,
So come along with me
But don't ask why

'Cause it's all mine
It's all mine
It's all mine
It's all mine
Перевод песни:
Грязные пальцы

Я знаю, ты считаешь, что заслуживаешь
Объяснения смысла жизни.
Но как только ты думаешь, что поняла его,
Так это сразу же вылетает у тебя из головы! 1
Ты обожжешь свои грязные пальцы,
Ведь веришь в ложь, которую тебе наговорили,
А твои единоверцы-притворщики уйдут
И больше не вернутся...... [открыть перевод]

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