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Исполнитель: Oasis
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Песня: She‘s Electric
She's electric
She's in a family full of eccentrics
She done things I never expected
And I need more time

She's got a sister
And God only knows how I've missed her
And on the palm of her hand is a blister
And I need more time

And I want you to know
I've got my mind made up now
But I need more time

And I want you to say
Do you know what I'm saying?
But I need more

'Coz I'll be you and you'll be me
There's lots and lots for us to see
There's lots and lots for us to do
She is electric, can I be electric too?

She's got a brother
We don't get on with one another
But I quite fancy her mother
And I think that she likes me

She's got a cousin
In fact she's got 'bout a dozen
She's got one in the oven
But it's nothing to do with me

And I want you to know
I've got my mind made up now
But I need more time

And I want you to say
Do you know what I'm saying?
But I need more

'Coz I'll be you and you'll be me
There's lots and lots for us to see
There's lots and lots for us to do
She is electric, can I be electric too?

Can I be electric too?
Can I be electric too?
Can I be electric too?
Перевод песни:
Она сногсшибательна

Она сногсшибательна,
Она живет в семье чудаков.
Она совершала поступки, которых я никогда не ожидал,
И мне нужно больше времени.

У нее есть сестра,
И одному Богу известно, как я соскучился по ней.
И на ее ладони пластырь,..... [открыть перевод]

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