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Исполнитель: Oasis
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Песня: The Girl in the Dirty Shirt
If I may be so bold could I just say something?
Come and make me my day
The clouds around your soul don't gather there for nothing
But I can chase them all away
Why d'you need a reason for to feel happy
Or be shining for the rest of the world
Give me just a smile and would you make it snappy
Get your shit together girl

You got a feeling lost inside
It just won't let you go
Your life is sneaking up behind
It just won't let you go
No it just won't let you go
What I'm trying to say ...

Is would you maybe, come dancing me
Cos to me it doesn't matter
If your hopes and dreams are shattered
When you say something you make me believe
In the girl who wears a dirty shirt
She knows exactly what she's worth
Knows exactly what she's worth to me!
That I can see, I can see

If you ever find yourself inside a bubble
You've gotta find your own way home
You can call me anytime you're seeing double
Now you know you're not alone

You got a feeling lost inside
It just won't let you go
Your life is sneaking up behind
It just won't let you go
No it just won't let you go
What I'm trying to say ...

Is would you maybe, come dancing me
Cos to me it doesn't matter
That your hopes and dreams are shattered
When you say something you make me believe
In the girl who wears a dirty shirt
She knows exactly what she's worth
Knows exactly what she's worth to me!
That I can see, I can see
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Девушка в грязной футболке

Когда я буду лысым и старым, смогу ли я сказать:
"Приди и проведи со мной этот день"?
Тучи над тобой столпились совершенно напрасно,
Я смогу их всех разогнать.
Зачем тебе нужна причина, чтобы быть счастливой
И сиять до конца наших дней?
Подари мне свою улыбку и поскорее,
Чёрт, девочка, соберись!..... [открыть перевод]

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