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Исполнитель: Oasis
Перевод песни
Песня: The Shock of the Lightning
I'm all over my heart's desire
I feel cold but I'm back in the fire
Out of control but I'm tied up tight
Come in, come out tonight
I'm coming up in the early morning
I feel love in the shock of the lightning*
I fall into the binding light
Come in, come out, come in, come out tonight

Love is a time machine
Up on the silver screen
It's all in my mind
Love is a litany
A magical mystery
And all in good time
And all in good time
And all in good time

I got my feet on the street but I can't stop flying
My head's in the clouds but at least I'm trying
I'm outta control but I'm tied up tight
Come in, come out tonight
There's a hole in the ground into which I'm falling
So Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
I'm all into the blinding light
Come in, come out, come in, come out tonight

Love is a time machine
Up on the silver screen
It's all in my mind
Love is a litany
A magical mystery
And all in good time
And all in good time
And all in good time

It's all in my mind
Love is a time machine
Up on the silver screen
All in good time
And all in good time
And all in good time
Перевод песни:
Удар молнии

Повинуясь желанию своего сердца,
Я чувствую холод, хотя вернулся в огонь,
Я не могу двигаться, будто крепко связан –
Приди и уйди этой ночью.
Я поднимаюсь ранним утром
И ощущаю любовь с ударом молнии,
Я проваливаюсь в ослепительный свет –
Приди и уйди, приди и уйди этой ночью...... [открыть перевод]

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