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Исполнитель: Oasis
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Песня: Turn Up the Sun
I carry madness
Everywhere I go.
Over a border
And back to the snow

So if you see me
And I look right through -
You shouldn't take it
As a reflection of you.

Come on, turn up the sun!
Turn it up for everyone!

Love one another!
Love one another!
The boys in the bubble -
They wanna be free
And they got so blind
That they cannot see
But I'm not your keeper
I don't have the key,
I got a piano,
I can't find the C.

Come on, turn up the sun!
Turn it up for everyone!

Love one another!
Love one another!
Come on, turn up the sun!
Turn it up for everyone!
Перевод песни:
Солнце, явись!

Несу я шизу,
Куда бы ни брёл,
Через границу;
Туда, где снег шёл.

И если ты видишь
Насквозь меня,
Ещё не значит,..... [открыть перевод]

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