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Исполнитель: Ocean Jet
Перевод песни
Песня: In Red
Don't ever ask me why
I bite the bullet from the start
I balance on a wire
Between the gutter and the stars

The price that I should pay
Is higher than I thought
There's something I should gain
Walking tall against the rain

I tried to cut the ropes to get off the ground
But still I could not have fled
My heavy anchors will be weighting me down
Till I paint my sails in red

I'll never tell you why
I keep my secrets in the box
You know how hard I've tried
To beat my way through ash and dust

The price that I should pay
Is higher than I thought
There's something I should gain
Walking tall against the rain

I tried to cut the ropes to get off the ground
But still I could not have fled
My heavy anchors will be weighting me down
Till I paint my sails in red
Перевод песни:
В красный

Никогда не спрашивай меня, почему
Я стискиваю зубы с самого начала.
Я балансирую на канате
Между пропастью и звездами.

Цена, которую мне придётся заплатить,
Выше, чем я себе представлял.
Есть нечто, что мне нужно обрести,..... [открыть перевод]

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