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Исполнитель: Ocean Jet
Перевод песни
Песня: Unfettered
You can hear the sirens
But we go unfettered
We don't need the riots
We can do that better
We don't need the doors
We don't need the windows
We don't need the walls
We don't need your leaders

They can cloud our minds
But it doesn't matter
We read between the lines
We have something better
We don't have the doors
We don't have the windows
We don't have the walls
We don't have your leaders

They don't believe in us
I know we can not fix that
I know it's just the dust
That winds will spread away
Перевод песни:

Ты можешь слышать сирены,
Но мы идем, освобожденные,
Нам не нужны восстания,
Мы можем поступить правильнее.
Нам не нужны двери,
Нам не нужны окна,
Нам не нужны стены
И не нужны предводители...... [открыть перевод]

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