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Исполнитель: OceanLab
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Песня: On a Good Day
Little bit lost and...
A little bit lonely
Little bit cold here
A little bit feared

But I hold on
And I
Feel strong
And I
Know that I can

Getting used to it
Lit the fuse to it
Like to know who I am

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I whish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day

And it feels like me
On a good day

I'm a little bit hemmed in
A little bit isolated
A little bit hopeful
A little bit cold

But I hold on
And I
Feel strong
And I
Know that I can

Getting used to it
Lit the fuse to it
Like to know who I am

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I whish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter

And it feels like me
On a good day

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I whish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I whish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day
Перевод песни:
В ясный день

Слегка потеряна и...
Отчасти одинока.
Немного холодно здесь.
Чуть-чуть напугана.

Но я выстою,
И я
Чувствую, что я сильная,..... [открыть перевод]

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