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Исполнитель: Owl City
Перевод песни
Песня: Christmas Song
It's Christmas and we walk alone
Two strangers with no one to miss us
On our own
Out in the cold

Trudging onward
Braving a harsh winter storm
You and I met passing by
And now our spirits feel warm

I don't have anyone at home to talk to
And you don't have anything to do
So I'll spend my Christmas with you
I'll spend my Christmas with you

It's Christmas and we are in love
With the way that the soft snowflakes kiss us
From far above
The blustery breeze

Trudging onward
Braving a harsh winter storm
You and I met passing by
And now our spirits feel warm

I believe that Jesus is truly the only way
I celebrate Christmas because it's his birthday

I don't have anyone at home to talk to
And you don't have anything to do
So I'll spend my Christmas with you

I'll spend my Christmas with you [3x]
Перевод песни:
Рождественская песня

Рождество наступило, и мы идем одни -
Двое незнакомцев. Некому по нам скучать,
Мы сами по себе,
Одинокие и для всех чужие.

C трудом продвигаемся вперед,
Бросая вызов суровой зимней буре.
Мы с тобой встретились, проходя мимо,..... [открыть перевод]

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