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Исполнитель: Rachel Platten
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Песня: Speechless
Why does this part always go fast?
And I really want this to last so bad
Words distract us, but we know the truth
So hush, baby, my heart's speaking to you

Just give me that touch, I want it
Quit talking so much, I'm ready
Stop moving your lips and kiss me
Keep taking my breath away

Cause you make me speechless
You quiet my demons
So why don't we hold tonight and just kill me silently
I don't need a reason when you make me speechless
We're getting loud tonight, we're allowed tonight to be
C'mon baby, make me speechless
C'mon baby, make me

Body language screaming everything
And keep giving it to me, fire away

Just give me that touch, I want it
Quit talking so much, I'm ready
Stop moving your lips and kiss me
Keep taking my breath away

Cause you make me speechless
You quiet my demons
So why don't we hold tonight and just kill me silently
I don't need a reason when you make me speechless
We're getting loud tonight, we're allowed tonight to be
C'mon baby, make me speechless

When you touching me, when you're kissing me
Nothing left to say
I'm speechless, get ahold of me, kill me silently
Nothing left to say

Cause you make me speechless
You quiet my demons
So why don't we hold tonight and just kill me silently
I don't need a reason when you make me speechless
We're getting loud tonight, we're allowed tonight to be
C'mon baby, make me speechless
C'mon baby, make me shhh
C'mon baby, make me speechless

Don't say a word
C'mon baby, make me
Перевод песни:
Лишённая дара речи

Почему это мгновение всегда проходит так быстро?
Я очень хочу, чтобы оно продолжалось как можно дольше.
Слова отвлекают нас, но мы знаем правду,
Так что помолчи, милый, мое сердце говорит с тобой.

Просто дотронься до меня, я так этого хочу,
Пустые разговоры нам ни к чему, я готова,
Замолчи и поцелуй меня -..... [открыть перевод]

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