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Исполнитель: Radical Face
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Песня: Baptisms
Back when I used to wander, I was always out looking for signs
But they were never there, so I'd pull 'em from the air
We all believed in something, but like you I can't say why
It's just a whisper in our ear, or a bottle for our fears

Hold me to light, let me shine
Come hold me to the floor and say it's alright
Come hold me 'neath the water's skin until I'm new again

And I said what I was thinking:
Now you can't see what's good 'til it's gone
Then there's something to be said for a place to lay your head
You told me I was simple, and you injured me with that piece of my mind
And I listened to the creek and it did much more for me

I'll hold you to the light, let you shine
I'll hold you against the floor and say it's alright
'cause down beneath the water's skin where we will swim
And there's diamonds on the surface then
And, they'll come clean us, we'll both live again

These days I barely wander
And I don't need no more of them signs
I'll just breathe in all that air and be happy that it's there
Перевод песни:

Раньше, когда я был скитальцем, я всегда искал знаки.
Но их никогда не было, поэтому я создавал их из воздуха.
Мы все во что-то верим, но, как и ты, я не знаю почему.
Это просто шепот в ушах или сосуд для наших страхов?

Разверни меня к свету, позволь мне воссиять.
Удержи меня на земле и скажи, что так и должно быть.
Удержи меня под гладью воды, пока я обновлюсь вновь...... [открыть перевод]

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