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Исполнитель: Radical Face
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Песня: Letters Home
So, I'm writing' you this letter between rests
'cause yesterday a bullet found my chest
And I don't got the energy to dress myself
And I can't walk without help

And I...

I can't remember why I joined this war
And I can't tell you what we're fighting' for
I guess I wasn't smart enough to see the game
And that no one's keeping' score

And now, you would not believe the things I miss
It's all the little things that fill that list
Like playing' with the dogs
And helping' father chop the wood behind the fence

Now I...

I'm not sure if I'll see another day
The doctor said it could go either way
But I just wanted you to know
No matter if I sink of fall or blink out in this hospital

That I'm alright, yeah
I made peace with it all
Mistakes and all
Перевод песни:
Письма домой

Итак, я пишу тебе это письмо в перерывах,
Потому что вчера пуля пробила мою грудь,
И у меня нет сил чтобы одеться самому,
И я не могу ходить без посторонней помощи.

И я...

Я не могу вспомнить, зачем вступил в эту войну,..... [открыть перевод]

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