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Исполнитель: Radical Face
Перевод песни
Песня: Southern Snow
It was the year my son was born
The same year my sis' walked into the woods
And was never seen again
I still call her name sometimes, just in case

The snows came at noon
And the sky was a bitter blue

Some were callin' it a punishment from God
Then my dad said:
"That's a strange thing to call the weather"
And we laughed together

Southern Snow

It was the year my son was born
The same year my sis' walked into the woods
And was never seen again
I still call her name sometimes, just in case

The snows came at noon
And the sky was a bitter blue

Some were callin' it a punishment from God
Then my dad said:
"That's a strange thing to call the weather"
And we laughed together
Перевод песни:
Южный* снег

В тот год родился мой сын,
В тот год моя сестра ушла в лес
И больше ее никто не видел.
Я все еще зову ее иногда, по случаю.

В полдень шел снег
И небо становилось немного более голубыми.
..... [открыть перевод]

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