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Исполнитель: Radical Face
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Песня: West
Familiar ground's a distant thing
When you travel vague and crooked roads
And the sun's a scab on vacant skies
Now we always hope we're still alone

There's too much time for idle minds
Imagination's armed with hooks and knives
We count our fears to pass the time
Tired or not, don't close your eyes

A picket fence
A painted house
A quiet life

One where our days are calm
And nights are spent in kind
One where our hopes and dreams
Are attainable things
One where time can't reach

Gain half the plains now
Cut mountain chains down
Sleep when you can
You can't know how the nights fall

Things will be better there
Things will be good there
Don't stop to think
Just chase the dream we're chasing

I smell the fireplace
Warm light, a warm face
A quiet life
A life, a life, a life, a life
A life along the breeze

The dogs came at midnight
Guns drawn and eyes bright
I heard them laughin'
Black voices scratchin'

Black wind they move like
Our lives ain't worth the millions
As dogs tear the canvas
Flies on the carcass
But it buys the time we need

The dogs came at midnight
The dogs came at midnight
The dogs came at midnight
And I always hear them laughing
Перевод песни:

Знакомая земля далеко,
Когда путь туманен, а дороги извилисты,
И солнце - струп на пустых небесах.
Теперь мы всегда надеемся, что мы всё же одни.

Когда для пустых мыслей слишком много времени,
Воображение вооружено крюками и ножами.
Мы считаем свои страхи, чтобы убить время...... [открыть перевод]

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