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Исполнитель: Ryan Huston
Перевод песни
Песня: Do What You Love
I'm here to tell you: 'Life isn't just what you think'
It's full of puzzles, still just a puzzle to me
And everytime you think you're ahead, it's not what it seems

Life tends happen while you're still making your plans
So dare to dream big, ‘cause it worth taking a chance
And when tomorrow comes,
You will know you everything

So just do what you love
And love what you do
There're so many things in life and they're all here for you
Just do what you love
Do it for you
Smile everyday
You can do anything

At times we find ourselves by the risks that we take
Turns out the best part: life is the love that we make
Seek the answers to all your questions, what can you see?

We're all connected in life, we're all part of the same
The time we have here short but it worth everything
No matter what, just know that there's nothing you cannot be

So just do what you love
And love what you do
There're so many things in life and they're all here for you
Just do what you love
Do it for you
Smile everyday
You can do anything

And at times it'll feel just like when it rains it pours you will see
And at times it'll seem just like all the walls closed in on me
Just gotta believe

So just do what you love
And love what you do
There're so many things in life and they're all here for you
Just do what you love
Do it for you
Smile everyday
You can do anything
Перевод песни:
Занимайся тем, то ты любишь

Я пришел поведать тебе: "Жизнь не такая, как ты думаешь"
Да, она полна заковырок, я не разрешил их ещё,
И порой тебе кажется, что ты вырвался вперед, а это вовсе не так.

Жизнь имеет свойство идти своим чередом, пока ты строишь планы,
Так решись же на большие мечты, они стоят того, чтобы попытать удачу.
И когда настанет завтрашний день,
Ты будешь знать, что сделал все, что было в твоих силах...... [открыть перевод]

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