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Исполнитель: Ryan Star
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Песня: Brand New Day
I stayed in one place for too long
Gotta get on the run again
I saw the one thing that I want
Hell bent, get outta bed
I'm throwing rocks at your window
You're tying the bed sheets together
They say we are dreaming too big
I say this town's too small

Send me a sign
Turn back the clock
Give me some time
I need to break out
And make a new name
Let's open our eyes
To the brand new day
It's the brand new day

I've taking hits like a brother
But I'm getting back up again
And from the moment I saw her
I was hell bent with heaven sent
I'm throwing rocks at your window
We're leaving this place together
They say that we're flying too high
Well get used to looking up

Send me a sign
Turn back the clock
Give me some time
I need to break out
And make a new name
Let's open our eyes
To the brand new day
It's the brand new day

It's the brand new day
I know it's the brand new day
Come on to the brand new day
I know it's the brand new day

Send me a sign
Turn back the clock
Give me some time
I need to break out
And make a new name
Let's open our eyes
To the brand new day
It's the brand new day
Перевод песни:
Совершенно новый день

Я слишком долго был в одном месте,
Теперь мне снова пора в путь.
Я видел лишь то, что хотел,
Эй, сорвиголова, вылезай из постели!
Я кидаю камушки в твое окно,
Ты вяжешь верёвку из простыней.
Мы слишком о многом мечтаем,
Послушай, тот город слишком маленький...... [открыть перевод]

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