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Исполнитель: Ryan Tedder
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Песня: On My Way Here
[Verse 1:]
I turn my first step
On the black and white kitchen floor
I sometimes wonder if that house
Is even there, anymore
I had my first glimpse of love
When I was 5
I watched two people split apart
But still the three of us survived
I've seen the best
I've seen the worst
I wouldn't change what I've been through
I've touched the sky
I've hit the wall
But I did what I had to

On my way here
Where I am now
I've learned to fly
And have to walk to leave the ground
I've fallen hard
But I've been loved
And in the end it all works out
My faith has conquered fear...
On my way here

[Verse 2:]
My address has changed
Almost every year
I found that standing still
Can quickly make a lifetime disappear
I'd rather try and fail a thousand times denied
And this, whenever you feel pain,
Lets you know that you're alive
I've been a fool
I've been afraid
And I've been laughed and lied to
I have grown and I've been rate
And I stood up when I had to

On my way here
Where I am now
I've learned to fly
And have to walk to leave the ground
I've fallen hard
But I've been loved
And in the end it all works out
My faith has conquered fear...
On my way here

No guarantees but I believed
That I would find
An open door
An open light
To lead me to the other side
I guess that is why...

On my way here
Where I am now
I've learned to fly
And have to walk to leave the ground
I've fallen hard
But I've been loved
And in the end it all works out
My faith has conquered fear
On my way here...
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[Куплет 1:]
Я сделал первый шаг
На черно-белом кухонном полу.
Иногда я задумываюсь,
Стоит ли там еще тот дом...
Когда мне было 5 лет,
Во мне впервые промелькнуло чувство любви.
Я видел, как два человека расстались,..... [открыть перевод]

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