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Исполнитель: RZA
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Песня: Destiny Bends
[Intro: RZA]
Yeah, I wanna dedicate this song to my friend Paul Walker.
Up in the studio last night
Writing for myself,
I decided to write a song for you.
Peace, brother.

[Verse 1: Will Wells]
Every time I think about you all I see is your smile
And your bright blue eyes.
Thanks for the time and the smiles
You shared with me,
How you equally respected my art and talked to me,
A young father just learning what it takes to be a man.
Sharing time with your daughter, you had a plan,
To drive in the wind, surf on the seas,
Realizing the love for a woman who becomes
A mother exists. And I see,
How can this be? You were set free from your worries,
Now you are gone in the breeze,
Gone in the trees.
I thought we had another day to smile and laugh,
In the wind, how can it end?
I'm grateful to meet you, may we meet again,
Paul, my friend.

On that highway
Where heaven
I lost a friend...

But destiny,
Bends, bends.
But destiny bends,
Yeah, it bends.
I lost a friend
On that highway to heaven.

[Verse 2: Will Wells]
You will drive in the wind,
And you'll surf in the seas,
Oh, how can this be?
You were set free from your worries,
Now you are gone in the breeze,
Gone in the trees,
Your soul is set free.
I thought we had another day to smile and to laugh,
In the wind, how can it end?
I'm thankful to meet you, may we meet again,
Paul, my friend,
Paul, my friend.

On that highway
Where heaven
I lost a friend...
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[Вступление: RZA]
Да, я хочу посвятить эту песню своему другу Полу Уолкеру. 1
Прошлую ночь я провёл в студии,
Сочиняя для себя,
Я решил написать для тебя песню.
Мир, брат.

[Куплет 1: Will Wells]..... [открыть перевод]

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