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Исполнитель: RZA
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Песня: Gift of Hope
He said that I had a dream
That we all would walk in hand one day,
And if we gave to the peace,
Then we may have the chance to see His grace.
We got to pull up our sleeves
Like the ants and the bees of ancient ways,
The reward is the feast as we work together,
Then rest on the seventh day.
From a single cell of life He made thee man and wife,
One blood from the same soil,
From the sweat of his own brown
We sow and plow.
Men should be free to his toil.

Will you ever realize
A smile is worth a million cries,
A million tries?
Will you ever realize the gift of hope
Could save a hurting soul?

I saw my man on the street,
He had baggage and they met.
We greeted and drank,
He said his son was in law,
His daughter in medicine,
He gave prays and thanks, worked hard for twenty years,
We finished our beers, we went our separate ways,
But he left me with the idea
That if we focus on peace, we'll live to love one day.

Will you ever realize
A smile is worth a million cries,
A million tries?
Will you ever realize the gift of hope
Could save a hurting soul?

Will you ever realize
A smile is worth a million cries,
A million tries?
Will you ever realize the gift of hope
Could save a hurting soul?
Could save a hurting soul?
Перевод песни:
Дар надежды

Он сказал, что у меня была мечта,
Что однажды мы все пойдём пука об руку,
И если мы обратимся к миру,
То у нас будет шанс на его милость.
Нам нужно засучить рукава,
Работать, как муравьям и пчёлам,
Наградой нам будет наслаждение от совместного труда,
А на седьмой день мы будем отдыхать...... [открыть перевод]

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