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Исполнитель: Tyr
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Песня: Eric the Red
Why I take refuge here,
My father was outlawed
From the old land in east,
A story of bloodshed and
I too was outlawed,
Now I take refuge here.

What brings you here, my friend,
What brings you north to where
Hell is of ice,
South from the sand dunes
Where hell is of fire,
Why have you come so far?
Anywhere, you don't care where you.

Go as long as there are faithless,
You can make believe need help
And that you have the cure,
Of your intentions, I'm sure
I can't bring it all to reason
You've convinced these people that all
Their ancestors were wrong,
Disoriented, they do not know
Where they belong.

Like a virus you'll go on,
And when I'm dead and gone,
Both sides waging war will be
For one true divinity.
Like a virus you'll go on,
And when I'm dead and gone,
Both sides waging war will be
Raging in the name of one true divinity.

This I don't understand,
Why this perverted
Superhuman ideal,
So we are born to nothing
But torture and torment,
That I don't understand.

Clearly I see the end,
I pray that the embers
Will persist from my faith,
Clearly I'm outnumbered,
Allegedly outdated,
Since your arrival here.
Anywhere, you don't care where you.

Go as long as there are faithless,
You can make believe need help
And that you have the cure,
Of your intentions, I'm sure
I can't bring it all to reason
You've convinced these people that all
Their ancestors were wrong,
Disoriented, they do not know
Where they belong.

Like a virus you'll go on
And when I'm dead and gone,
Both sides waging war will be
For one true divinity
Just convert the whole wide world
Into the abyss we are hurled,
Sentenced come end of the world,
Spare me your selfrighteous word.
Перевод песни:
Эрик Рыжий*

Почему я скрываюсь здесь?
Мой отец был объявлен вне закона
В восточных землях,
За историю с убийством,
И я тоже был изгнан,
Теперь я ищу убежища здесь**.

Что ведет тебя сюда, мой друг,..... [открыть перевод]

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