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Исполнитель: Tyr
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Песня: Excavation
What would you give,
what would you offer
To be given wisdom?
Which extremes would you go to
To be given the mead?
Give an eye or even
Sacrifice to you yourself,
You should have seen,
Even your life must take an end sometime.

Was there a way,
Had your eyes had seen more?
If you had the chance
To read your runes and find your fate,

Excavate, then would you hesitate
To see what will be your predestined fate?
"I see finally, visions of what will be
My fate, hesitate, it will be too late
When done".

What did you give,
what did you offer
To be given wisdom?
Are you glad and does your soul
Rest in your wide learning?
Just which horrors lie ahead,
You did not know it then.
Knowledge, it can darken minds like clouds
The shining sun from above the earth.

Now you know all,
Was it worth an eyeball?
You had the chance
To read your runes and find your fate,

Excavate, did you not hesitate
To see what will be your predestined fate?
"I see finally, visions of what will be
My fate, hesitate, it will be too late
When done".

Was there a way,
Had your eyes had seen more?
If you had the chance
To read your runes and find your fate,

Excavate, I saw you hesitate
To see what will be your predestined fate.
"I see finally, visions of what will be
My fate, hesitate, it will be too late
When done".
Перевод песни:

Что бы ты отдал,
Что бы предложил
За мудрость?
На какие крайности пошел бы,
Чтобы получить мед?
Отдал бы глаз или даже
Принес бы в жертву себя самого*?
Тебе нужно было увидеть,..... [открыть перевод]

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