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Исполнитель: Tyr
Перевод песни
Песня: God of War
Tell me not that there is a higher
Truth to life than my own
And forces of unseen kind
Beyond our imagination.
At the end of the day
Right or wrong must depend on
Weak or strong, and how would we
Hang the last hangman?

The truth is sad,
Much wants more,
Hang your head,
Ask what for
We sacrifice
Blood and gore
Before the eyes
Of the God of War.

I believe not life could ever exist
Without the survival of the fittest.

Maybe this is the best
We can do with what we have,
Should we not be grateful
Privileged as we are?
Walking this rugged old planet
Who are we to complain?
Such is the nature of man,
This was to be our lot.

The truth is sad,
Much wants more,
Hang your head,
Ask what for
We sacrifice
Blood and gore
Before the eyes
Of the God of War.
Перевод песни:
Бог войны

Не говори мне, что есть высшая
Правда жизни, помимо моей собственной,
И что есть невидимые силы
За пределами нашего воображения.
В конце концов,
Прав ты или виноват зависит от
Твоей силы или слабости. И как бы мы
Казнили последнего палача?..... [открыть перевод]

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